
Showing posts from September, 2020

Third entertainment, number three

   Posted on DoodleOrDie many years ago. I will tell you an incredible but true story about one of the most peculiar animals of the woods. He was a moose. "A moose", you might say. Surely you have seen stranger animals than a moose. How about an ostrich or a blobfish or a crab? Well. No. This was not just any moose. He had just returned north to his Scandinavian homelands after visiting his cousin in the south of Germany. His oldest cousin Mooselle and her husband Antlony were constantly verbally reliving their lack of highlights from what seemed a boring visit to the mountains of Denmark, although with much enthusiasm. He did not even understand their accent. But he also had a younger cousin, Hoovebert, an adventurous fellow who was visiting as well on his passing to France. "It's true, I saw one", he told our moose. "A phelant?". "An elephant". Hoovebert was talking with him the same morning they both would depart, though in separate ways. ...